Give Your Writing A Butt Lift

Have Low Self-Esteem?
Worried about what others think?
Dreading to sit and revise your flaws?

This calls for a Cosmetic intervention to your writing. We find ourselves with a rough draft or outline and wonder how we can be satisfied with the final piece. Well, simple, you throw it under the knife. Lay it down on a surgical table, inspect what needs to be enhanced, draw lines where changes must be made, and stitch up the loose ends.


BOTOX- The INTRODUCTION. If your intro is not appealing, nothing else matters. You need a solid intro that will interest the readers and want them to pursue your writing. So inject some BOTOX in to your intro and smooth out the wrinkles.

BREAST IMPLANTS- The BODY. The body is where all the content of your writing is stored. It is your 'TEMPLE.' The more content, the more opportunity the reader has to be drawn in to your story. Strip away the shirt and throw in some implants! Double D's means Double the Details!

BUTT LIFT- The CONCLUSION. The conclusion MUST be as strong or even stronger than your intro and your body. This will sum up your story and leave your readers wanting more. It is essential to have a lifted ending rather than a saggy closing. Get that butt lift to give people something to talk about.


TUMMY TUCK- When revising, it is best to either cut or tuck any unnecessary details in your writing. Excess fat will take away from your perfect silhouette.


Stitch up the loose ends and let your writing heal.

1 comment:

  1. Great advices, thank you. I think from now on, I'll keep in touch with your work here :)
